As we launch Origen Seven, we take a step forward in making our dream a reality.  On this journey, we want to extend our hand to our climate with its forests in need.  We are excited to join Bosque Nagal in Colombia and have committed to plant one tree for every pair of shoes we sell.




Bosque Nagal is a Fintech company which protects tropical dry forests and their biodiversity while contributing to the preservation of a healthy environment for humanity; being socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable.  Through Bosque Nagal Origen Seven has a dedicated mini forest where 1 tree is planted for every sale.  Each planted tree is transferred to clients with coordinates, geolocation, and a photograph facilitating monitoring for a year.  As a result, planted and mature trees are protected by the rural families in the area.


Origen Seven is glad to help mitigate the environmental impact we all generate on the planet by planting trees.